Monday, April 27, 2009

Stop! What are you waiting for?

My new book is coming soon!!! It is an exciting time. The publisher has scheduled a pre-release event this month in St. Thomas, V.I. I will also be in all of the major markets once the book is released. You can order your book NOW, in ADVANCE!!!

This is the book that my clients encouraged me to write so that I could share my message to more and more people. The message is that estate planning is ESSENTIAL for everyone and it DOES create lasting WEALTH!!

The book is a comprehensive guide to preserving your wealth. It will provide information on the benefits of estate planning. It will address how estate planning
(1) Protects your assets;
(2) Saves you money;
(3) Creates your legacy;
(4) Distributes your wealth;
(5) Addresses your special circumstances;
(6) Insures you peace of mind; and,
(7) Discerns needs as you age.

More importantly, this book will challenge you to reflect on your life. You can engage the estate planning process as a process of self-discovery to help you understand the life that you are living. It may be the first time that you plant an idea of your purpose that can begin to germinate into your legacy.

Order your advance copy of the book today!!!

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