Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Lost Symbol

As we look towards another day off, think about how you might spend that day. Whether you are with family, friends, alone in deep contemplation or meditation, 2010 is a time to refresh and renew.

I just finished reading "The Lost Symbol" by Dan Brown who wrote "The Da Vinci Code" which sold millions and had all of us thinking about the ramification of this fictional account. Well, in my opinion he has done it again. Throughout time secrets, codes and unseen truths have been held by mankind and passed down for generations. What is most revealing in the book is how those secrets, codes and unseen truths are actually available to all and revealed in the most prominent places. Read the book and share your comments here. Dan Brown's estate plan should address the manuscript of his books and the continued royalities that will surely generate from these best sellers.

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