Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hopes and Aspirations Captured Through Estate Planning

I was speaking before a group the early part of December about estate planning. I was telling the story of a man whom I had never met but through whose legacy I would never forget. His story was quite compelling. See my post of December 18, 2009.

In any event, a couple weeks after my presentation, one of the participants called me to let me know that I had made him think for the first time about his business and personal estate affairs. Though he thought he never had much of an estate, he realized through my presentation that he did. It was not about wealth and money but about his loved ones and his dreams for their future. From my presentation, he was made aware of ways to capture his hopes and aspirations.

Do you want to know more about estate planning and how it is not all about wealth and money? Leave your comments here or contact us at http://www.ythlaw.com/

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