Friday, June 5, 2009

Rethinking Your Estate Plan - Question 2

This is a continuation from the previous day. An article in Money Magazine could prove very beneficial to you and so I share the 5 questions posed in the article with you over the next few days.

"How should you split your money among your offspring? In a 2007 Money survey, 69% of respondents said dividing their estate equally was very important to them. Experts agree that equal is generally better, even if one of your kids is a struggling actor and another is a successful software developer. You don't know what the future holds. Your single son marries and has five kids; your techie daughter loses her job and becomes a teacher. Unless you're willing to constantly tinker with your will - and explain every change to your kids - parceling out different amounts can back-fire bigtime.

A better solution: Bequeath your children an equal amount upon your death, but make gifts as needed to them while you are alive if you can afford it. Want to help your daughter with your grandchildren's education? Contribute to their 529 college savings plans. (The IRS allows you to make the equivalent of five years' worth of gifts to a 529 all at once - that's $65,000 a child, or $130,000 if given by a couple.) The struggling actor is trying to buy a home? Help him with the down payment.

There are exceptions to the "equal" rule, however. A disabled child who is dependent on you will probably require a bigger share of your assets, which you can provide through a so-called special-needs trust. A child who works in the family business may deserve a larger share of it than one who doesn't. No matter what you decide, explain your thinking so that your kids won't have wrenching and potentially costly disputes later."

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