Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Social Security Retirement Insurance

As we continue our discussion on elder law, let's turn to a subject most of us may be addressing at some time. Even with the controversy over whether social security will continue, at present it is still our current system. Therefore, we need to have some idea how our specific circumstances will be affected.

Social security benefit payments would be based on how much you earned during your working career. Higher lifetime earnings result in higher benefits. If there were some years when you did not work or had low earnings, your benefit amount will be lower than if you had worked steadily.

The full retirement age is 65 for people who were born before 1938. But because of longer life expectancies, the Social Security law was changed to gradually increase the full retirement age until it reaches age 67. This change affects people born in 1938 and later.

You can choose to receive your Social Security benefits before you attain your full retirement age. If you begin to receive Social Security retirement benefits before full retirement age, your monthly payments will be reduced. Once the full retirement age is 67, the permanent reduction if you retire at age 62 will be 30 percent. Nevertheless, there are many retirees who choose to take benefits as soon as possible at age 62 due solely to the fear that Social Security is not secure and that benefits may be reduced in the future.

More on social security tomorrow. Leave your comment here or contact us at with your questions.

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