Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Wills Help Avoid Crimes

I was watching Law and Order - Criminal Intent and, once again, was reminded of the importance of having a Will. This episode addressed estate fraud. When a person dies without a Will, someone has to be put in charge of the administration of the estate. That person is determined by the legal system. Sometimes there are opportunities where the system fails the deceased persons and in this episode such was the case.

There was pilfering of a number of estates while assets were held under the protection of the state. The system failed because of the criminal intent of a state employee with access. With no direction provided by the deceased persons via a Will, their assets languished within the system providing ample time and opportunity for thievery. Clearly, this was not what the decedent intended for their assets. However, failing to take that important step in creating a Will a criminal benefitted from the persons' estate.

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