Friday, October 9, 2009

1. Protect Your Assets


Stop! What Are You Waiting For?

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Estate Planning,

we visit Eve and Bob. Both Eve and Bob inherited wealth and made a lot more money beyond their inheritance. They now breed show dogs and actively participate in charities benefiting animals. They only have one daughter, Julia, who at thirty-six still can not quite make it on her own. She has already experienced personal bankruptcy and, given her unemployment history, would be on welfare if not for her parents’ continued support.

Eve and Bob want to make sure Julia will not become destitute when they die. Therefore, instead of leaving money outright to her upon their death, their estate plan includes a trust for the money left for Julia, who is not fiscally responsible enough to manage the money herself. A trust is effective because Eve and Bob appointed a trustee to both manage and distribute the money for Julia’s benefit.

The cash left for Julia by her parents will not be subject to the claims of Julia’s creditors. Nor will the cash be subject to any further bankruptcy, lawsuits, or divorce settlement Julia may experience in the future. It is Eve’s and Bob’s legacy that is being protected. They have the right to determine who will be the recipient of their bounty.

For Eve and Bob, money represents their primary asset. How do you define your assets? Do you consider your children, your home, or the money you have accumulated over your lifetime, as Eve and Bob did, your assets? Do you consider yourself an asset? However you define assets, it is important to know that we all have assets, and they are worth protecting.

Tomorrow, we will continue to follow the legacy of Eve and Bob and the journey of their daughter Julia. Leave your comments here or contact us at

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