Thursday, October 8, 2009

Benefits of Estate Planning

In my new book,
Stop! What Are You Waiting For?
Your Step-by-Step Guide to Estate Planning
the 7 benefits of estate planning are discussed. Over the next few days, I will address those 7 benefits by introducing you to individuals in hypothetical situation that may resonant with you. Sometimes we can see the importance of something through the experiences of others.

Through these examples, I want to encourage, motivate, and inspire you to prepare for your future and the security of your family for generations to come. The seven essential benefits of estate planning are protecting assets, saving money, creating a legacy, distributing wealth, addressing special circumstances, insuring peace of mind and discerning needs as you age.

Using the knowledge you acquire over the next few days or by purchasing my new book will advance you on your journey to generational prosperity.

Tomorrow meet Eve and Bob as we discuss protecting assets. Contact us at

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