Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Town Hall Meetings and Healthcare Reform

The town hall meetings around healthcare reform are all a buzz. When I think about the importance of healthcare, I also think about the importance of having designated healthcare representatives.

We all want to be able to get appropriate healthcare whenever we should need it. Reform in our current laws is needed to accomplish this goal. We have an opportunity to impact what that law might look like. While we work with our elected officials to assure a plan that we all can live with, we should also be thinking about who will address our healthcare issues when we are unable to address them ourselves.

Do you have a Healthcare Power of Attorney? Do you have a Living Will? These documents allow you to express your wishes should you be unable to do so. They also allow you to appoint an agent to act on your behalf. The agent would be a person who understands what your desires and interests are as relates to your healthcare.

Let us have your comments or contact us at

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