Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tangible Personal Property

I draft Wills all day long. I therefore take for granted certain terms that lawyers use all the time in their Wills. However, I realize that many of those terms which are standard to me are totally new and sometimes confusing to clients. Therefore, I always find questions posed by clients of value in making sure terms are understandable.

Here is one that often baffles people, tangible personal property. There are 2 types of property, real and personal. Real property is easy to explain. It is real estate, the home and land.
Tangible personal property is everything else, unless something is specifically excluded. It represents your personal possessions which includes household furnishings (not including fixtures) jewelry, cars, china, books, artwork and other tangible belongings. It even includes "money" in any form (cash, bonds, annuities, etc.) unless it is excluded from the definition of tangible personal property.
It is your Will and if there are words that you do not understand or do not make sense have your lawyer explain or change it to be understandable to you. Contact us for your estate planning and probate needs at

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