Thursday, April 15, 2010

Seven Principle of Wealth - Number Seven

SEVENTH, be specific in your intentions/goals and prepare yourself to accomplish your financial goals. I know that intentions have infinite organizing power. You know the saying be careful what you ask for. I say KNOW what you want.

RECOMMENDED ACTIONS. Let me share what I do. I have very specific annual financial goals that I track on a monthly and daily basis. Therefore, I know before the end of the year whether I am on track to meet my financial goals. If I need to change my fees or prepare myself to add another area of practice, then I will do that to make the goals. If you have a job and you are not meeting your financials then now is the time to ask for a raise, take on more responsibilities, take a course/class to increase your marketability.

Even if you do not have all the answers, as long as your intentions are clear and you are prepared, opportunity will come the door. Share your comments here or contact us at

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