Monday, April 19, 2010

A Little Giving Does Add Up

I have been in discussions recently regarding the viability of an organization when there is insufficient amount of giving to support it and its mission. In fact, this is the question currently posed in 2 organizations that I support. Both of the organizations are charitable organizations and rely on the giving of the community and its members.

With the economic situation as it is and the number of millionaires being few and far between, I have come out on the side of continuing to do what you can with the organizations while things do improve. If your mission is about helping and making a difference in the lives of those most vulnerable in the community, then you can't quit. You may have to downsize, readjust or think more creatively but you do not quit. And if you find you must then let others take your place until you get the energy to keep going. Others can be your strength and help you to carry on.

Enough said, I wonder whether you have found yourself in such a place with charitable organizations and I wonder how you coped or whether you coped. Share your comments here or contact us at

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