Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tax Incentives and Long-term Care Insurance

I have discussed the importance of having long-term care insurance. Since we are now living longer, healthcare issues have become more prevalent. Over time the cost can be exuberant and consume all of the family's assets. A previous survey of the Health Insurance Association of America revealed that 48% of those turning age 65 will make use of a nursing home and and 72% will use home care. Long-term care insurance covers the costs of a nursing home, assisted living and home care depending upon the coverage your purchase.

Tax laws at the federal and state levels provide incentives for individuals and businesses to purchase qualified long-term care insruance policies, with the goal of decreasing reliance on Medicare and Medicaid both of which may experience capacity issues in the future.

Browse some of my other blogs on this topic to educate yourself on your needs and your next steps. Leave your comments here or contact us at

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