Wednesday, January 28, 2009

SECOND of TEN Hot Estate Planning Topics

SECOND, hot topic for discussion is the Healthcare Power of Attorney. Have you or someone you love been to the hospital recently? What are all those forms that you have to fill out? For many procedures these days, the hospital wants to know your preference regarding any life support procedures or whether you want to be resuscitated. They may ask do you have a living will (discussed in our first hot topic) or DNR (do not resuscitate) order. This is not the same as euthanasia which, for many, continues to be another hot topic. The Healthcare Power of Attorney at least allows you to appoint an agent to address these issues for the hospital or doctor if you are unable. You and your agent must know the answer to these types of questions before asked. That is why it is important to have documents like the Healthcare Power of Attorney in place so that you give some thoughts to these questions BEFORE a medical emergency. We need to open this topic up to broad, continuous and lively exchange. Provide your views HERE!!!!

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