Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bucks County Estate Planning Council

There is so much information on estate planning. You want to make sure you are getting correct and up-to-date advice and guidance. In my opinion, seeking the advice of an estate planning attorney is of course one of the most important ways to accomplish this goal. There are also organizations, associations, groups, and councils that can provide some relevant guidance. The Bucks County Estate Planning Council is another important way to stay current in this area.

Even if you do not want to join the Council, you can attend the dinner meetings which always has a relevant estate planning topic presented by an expert in the field. You can get a list of the scheduled meetings, topics and costs from their website www.councils.naepc.org/bucks-pa/ and additional information about the Council.

The Council is interested in sharing information to those who need to know it. You can benefit from the professionals associated with the Council in ways to grow, protect and preserve your estate. Contact our offices at http://www.ythlaw.com/ for expert estate planning advice.

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