Monday, May 3, 2010

Car Bombing in Times Square

I was taking my daughter to her Tennis practice on Sunday when she asked, out of the blue it seemed, whether there was war. She is just turning 9 so her world perspective is limited to family news discussions and of course current events at school. But, whether there is war or even whether we are at war and with whom is quite a complex topic to have with a 9 year old as we are rushing in to make it on time for tennis. And, she is actually waiting for my response. So I quickly say what any loving mother would, "Ask your dad".

She dashes on to the court and I flee back to the car to see how many errands I can possibly accomplish in less than an hour. Then I hear about the car bombing in Times Square. Did my daughter hear this story before I did? Does she have a sixth sense? Whether those responsible for this bombing are part of a larger network that goes beyond our borders or not, this act of violence clearly gives reasons to pause and ask "Are we at war and with whom"?

What is our collective legacy to the next generation? Will it be of war or will it be of peace? Leave your comments here or contact us at

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