Monday, July 12, 2010

Taking Advantage of the Beach Weather

We are still fortunate that we can enjoy the beach. The weather has been perfect for just laying around on the beach all day and, in the north, our beaches have not been affected by the tragic oil spill. So, off to the shore I go with my 9 year old niece and 9 year old Angelina, the light of my eye.

I often think about Angelina if something should happen to me or my husband. We have appointed guardians in our will but there is so much we want for her that is personally us that can't be passed on. So, what I tell my clients and myself is to focus on what you can pass on to our young children if we die when they are still young. Pick a loving guardian who knows your child. Money is not the focus when choosing your guardian. Angelina likes your time and your attention. That costs you nothing. (Well, then again, for me time is money but that aside :)) Who has been there for those special moments in your child's life and in yours? Who can provide the memories of those special times? Who has smiled at or complimented your child for the small achievements? Pay attention to those people in your life and you will be looking at a potential guardian for your child.

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