Sunday, August 9, 2009

Finding Your Money!!!

I was looking out the window as I typed this blog admiring the greenery all around me. It made me think about the millions if not billions of dollars people take to the grave with them. This happens when you fail to keep loved ones informed of your insurance, investments, and the other benefits/assets you have.

Take the time now to collect your important papers in one place or make a list of all your insurance policies, investments, bank accounts, etc. Share with the person that you have named as executor in your will or let them know where such information will be located. There are now even on line services that you can use to store this information. Your loved ones will be notified once this service is made aware of your death. They do this by tracking Social Security Administration's death index and other governmental databases. As these services become more popular, less and less money will be diverted to the government. The intended recipient will get the money.

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