Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Costly Estate Planning Mistakes

I often attend continuing legal education seminar. Actually, I enjoy them because it keeps me current. I like to learn what others are doing for their clients in the area of estate planning. This evening's event addressed the top estate planning mistakes. Here is the run down of the list so you can see whether you need to see an estate planning attorney, like me, soon:
A. Is your estate in excess of 3.5 million dollars....then you should have federal estate tax planning done, immediately and correctly.
B. Is your estate under 3.5 million dollars and you still have federal estate tax planning done, revisit your plan immediately. You do not want terms and conditions that are no longer relevant to your situation. It will only complicate matters for your estate.
C. How many trusts do you have? Make sure you fund the correct trust. Terminate any trusts that you no longer require.
D. Make sure you review joint ownerships and beneficiary designations to make sure they are consistent with your intent for distribution of your estate.
E. Who will be responsible for the inheritance tax that must be paid? Make sure you cover your preference in your documents.
F. Oh, by the way, do not write on your will after you have executed it. Put it away and keep it clean. AND, do not lose the original....that will be a big problem. So, do you know where your original will is??

These are things to think about that I thought would be helpful to my bloggers. Let me know what you think. Contact us at www.ythlaw.com

1 comment:

Joyeal Ryan said...

Thanks for providing all the useful information about estate planning... The estate planning advice you have mentioned point wise are very important...
Thanks for sharing...